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I Paint Curbs For A Living

The Documentary "I Paint Curbs For A Living" (alternate title: In The Blink of An Eye) is a quick look into the art form of what it is to be a Graffiti artist, vandal, tagger, painter, rebel, etc. The object of the video is the bring you in the first person view of what takes place among this rebel art form that has been labeled Graffiti. Whether it is painting beautiful murals or scrawling your name on unauthorized property to the lifestyle that comes with being part of this group of individuals who constantly push the expression forward to becoming one of the most iconic and taboo art forms still in existence to this day. Think about the last time you saw a tag, or a quick painted initial. Do you realize that it is part of the evolution of making an artist to create the grand murals that many are so fond of. The insight tip of this video is to not blink, if you do look away for a few seconds you are sure to miss out on this action packed montage of clips taken and edited together to give a feeling of street and secret entrance into the subculture of what being a writer means to those who are part of it. From markers, stickers, paint rollers, spray paint & grease pens, a Graffiti Writer knows and hones his tools to create passionately what they believe in.

The artist involved ask for permission for walls, they take undocumented steps in order to mimic their aliases in the form of paint to call themselves artist. This is truly one of the last forms of revolution, many artist do not wait to be granted authority to create a public message. What they express through the array of colors and tones they use is completely funded by them. Graffiti art is almost an addiction as one being involved to the fans and collectors who seek newly painted trains, freshly coated underpasses and so on. In every town there is an artist, in every city there is a talented group of creative talent wanting to express and put their skills to the test whether it be on any surface.

I personally respect any individual who is passionate enough to make a mark on this world. Though many young people do this form of art illegally I feel there should be more places and opportunity to suggest a path for these young minds to pursue positive manner to grow their craft. Graffiti is more than a crime, it is a lifestyle that a vast majority of the public can relate to. From cunning imagery to the ugly scrawling that are made by novices in the world of street art, this is an in depth look of what these artist create and experience by being a part of the movement. Sit back and enjoy the documentation and open your mind to the visuals you will see collected in the short movie, these artist truly put everything on the line to have their art in view for the public. No money, no endorsements, these guys and gals make this graffiti art either for respect from their peers or for themselves. This is all a part of getting up

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